Unique Logos

All professionally designed logos will be sold only one time. You choose your logo, buy and pay for it with PayPal. After your payment we modify the logo with your company name and your tag line and send it to you in high resolution. Try it now!


Low costs

We charge one fourth of the price of a typical professionally-designed logo. We personalize it for you with your company name, and provide all copyrights for one low price.
Try it now!


More services

Whatever your marketing and design needs, we can help. From business paper and cards to an easy-to-use website and store, we’re a one-stop shop for all of your branding needs at a fair price. Try it now!



Your design agency did a real good job. From a modern logo to all our business papers you realized our wishes!

My new logo is great. Its fresh and very remarkable. The advertising with the new logo got me new clients. Wonderful...


"Thank you for the efficient relaunch of our website. The new logo is also amazing. Great job!"


You need also business papers - we can do that for you.
Tell us what you need, we take care of it.
You need a website for your business, we design and
program a cool website for you, fast and professional.


Your own special business fingerprint or the face of your company


Apple and Nike are easily recognizable.
But so are Coca Cola, IBM and Google who only use distinct fonts and color to standout. What do you want the unique face of your company to say?
We have hundreds of professionally designed logos to help you say it.

Have a brand new face with a few clicks. Browse through out collection, choose a logo you like, click on buy, go to your shopping cart and pay with PayPal, send us your company name and any other changes you want to the logo, and we’ll send you all copyrights and your own personalized logo.

Have a brand new face with a few clicks. Browse through out collection, choose a logo you like, click on buy, go to your shopping cart and pay with PayPal, send us your company name and any other changes you want to the logo, and we’ll send you all copyrights and your own personalized logo.