Are all logosandmore24 logos unique?
All of our logos are unique and made by a professional designer. We sell a logo just one time.
The logo you buy is after payment no longer in our shop.
How is it possible to offer a logo for such a price?
Our designers have a great experience how to design a logo and create always several ideas for a logo.
All these layouts are already made, so you dont have to pay for the creative work.
Are there any disadvantages with our ready-made logos?
There are no disadvantages. We will personalize every chosen logo to your company.
You save the time of a briefing and a long developing process and get your logo directly.
What happens if my company name is too short or too long for personalizing?
That is no problem at all. We can change the font, the placement or color of your company name and visualize the logo with your text.
Can I change the logo myself?
Yes. You can change your logo yourself or let us do the changes. For changing the logo you need special graphic programs like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.
Does my logo include the Copyrights?
Yes. You get according to your personalized logo a document with all copyrights for that logo.
With these copyrights you are the owner and you can register the logo for protection.